Bluff Happenings

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  • Wednesday, May 17, 2017 6:15 PM | Anonymous

    Join Friends of the Bluffs and the Red Wing Environmental Learning Center as we work on the trails at Barn Bluff on Wednesday, June 21st from 5:30-8:00 pm.  We will be improving the water bars to help redirect the flow of rain water.  Additional trail projects will be happening too. Bring gloves, long pants, close-toed shoes, water, pick axes, shovels, and a friend. ELC will provide buns and brats at the end of the work evening. For more information contact Laura Wildenborg at  

  • Wednesday, May 17, 2017 6:14 PM | Anonymous

    Friends of the Bluffs will be operating the concession stand at Sargent's Nursery on Saturday, May 20th and Sunday, May 21st.  We would like to encourage everyone to come out and purchase your flower and vegetable plants and enjoy a hot dog or brat while you are at it.  Volunteers are needed to help work the stand too, if interested contact David Anderson at 651-380-4296 or  

  • Wednesday, September 10, 2014 3:01 PM | Anonymous

    Friends of the Bluffs will be hosting a celebratory event at the newly completed Barn Bluff West Overlook on Saturday, September 13th from 2:00-4:00 pm. Members and bluff enthusiasts are encouraged to attend to learn more about the project process and enjoy social time together.

  • Monday, February 10, 2014 4:35 PM | Anonymous

    Friends of the Bluffs held their Annual Planning Retreat on February 3rd at the Red Wing Ignite Building. This event was an opportunity for the Board, stakeholders, and members to meet together for 2014 project planning and goal-setting.

    Board President Chap Achen opened the meeting with a review of 2013 accomplishments and then asked for input on whether Friends of the Bluffs should continue forward as a ‘boots’ (working group) organization or a ‘glue’ (create partnerships to support local bluff projects) organization. The group consensus was that FOTB can and should maintain both missions at its core.

    Small groups gathered during the breakout session to generate a list of ideas and priorities. Some of these included:

    •          Improving safety on Barn Bluff North Trail
    •          Promoting FOTB brand through clothing, advertising, promotion and public events
    •          Creative donation and membership options
    •          Plan a bluff event for Friends of the Bluffs membership
    •          Support invasive species management plan through scheduled bluff burns
    •          Create a comprehensive FOTB Communication Plan
    •          Education for improving stewardship


    The Friends of the Bluffs Board will be meeting later in the month to establish project planning priorities based on feedback at the retreat – stay tuned for future activities, projects and opportunities from FOTB!

  • Friday, October 25, 2013 3:47 PM | Anonymous
    The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Conservation Corps of America in cooperation with the City of Red Wing will be conducting several controlled prescribed burns of the native prairies on Sorin's Bluff/Memorial Park on Monday, October 28th. The purpose of the burns is to reduce invasive species in these areas and to stimulate existing native plants.

    These burns are the first steps of a long range management plan to preserve and enhance these native plant communities within Red Wing. The schedule for the prescribed burns is dependent on weather and wind conditions. The Billings-Tomfohr Conservation Area burn will be scheduled at a later date on a non-student day at Twin Bluff Middle School. More information will be available at a later date.

    Please be aware that the fires and smoke will be noticeable from great distances due to the bluff top prairie locations and that some of the burn units are adjacent to residential properties. Residents and visitors are encouraged to avoid these areas while the prescribed burns are taking place and while burn crew members are on the scene.

    Please contact Steve Kohn at the City of Red Wing (651.385.3622) or email at for further questions.
  • Sunday, August 30, 2009 8:00 AM | Deleted user

    Friends of the Bluff and local contractors collaborate to improve and repair a prime Barn Bluff scenic overlook. The overlook, located at the northwest edge of the bluff, provides hikers a fantastic view of the river valley and Red Wing proper. Over the years however, it has fallen into disrepair and is now in need of safety and aesthetic improvements.

    Renovation of the overlook is a top priority for FOTB, who will fund the project from donations. The idea gained momentum after FOTB received a generous donation from the Red Wing Shoe Company in honor of Bill Sweasy, avid outdoorsmen and retired CEO of Red Wing Shoes.

    In the next issue of ‘Trailhead News’ –

    FOTB will be kicking off our annual membership drive with a great offer from Vasque Shoes – details to follow!

    Thanks for being a member!  

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