Friends of the Bluffs held their Annual Planning Retreat on February 3rd at the Red Wing Ignite Building. This event was an opportunity for the Board, stakeholders, and members to meet together for 2014 project planning and goal-setting.
Board President Chap Achen opened the meeting with a review of 2013 accomplishments and then asked for input on whether Friends of the Bluffs should continue forward as a ‘boots’ (working group) organization or a ‘glue’ (create partnerships to support local bluff projects) organization. The group consensus was that FOTB can and should maintain both missions at its core.
Small groups gathered during the breakout session to generate a list of ideas and priorities. Some of these included:
- Improving safety on Barn Bluff North Trail
- Promoting FOTB brand through clothing, advertising, promotion and public events
- Creative donation and membership options
- Plan a bluff event for Friends of the Bluffs membership
- Support invasive species management plan through scheduled bluff burns
- Create a comprehensive FOTB Communication Plan
- Education for improving stewardship
The Friends of the Bluffs Board will be meeting later in the month to establish project planning priorities based on feedback at the retreat – stay tuned for future activities, projects and opportunities from FOTB!